ADOPTIEREN Date of birth: 01.01.2023Sterilized: YesSissi was found in the village Kavvadades. She was running in the middle of the main road, confused and scared. We took her in our foster care and she is… Sissi
Born : 01.06.2023Sterilized: YesIsabel is with us since tiny 2 months old puppy. She was found on the street together with 3 other siblings. All of them found wonderful homes. Only Isabel wasn’t lucky so… Isabel
Date of birth: 01.01.2022Sterilized: YesFalco, happy and sweet dog is with is more than 1 year. Falco was found in village Aspiotades in North Corfu, for several days he was running on the main road… Falco
ADOPTIEREN Date of birth: 01/06/2023Sterilized: YesFioro and Damianos were born to stray mother that was after birth taken from street and adopted by Greek family and also later sterilized. Damianos is beautiful happy dog, that… Damianos
ADOPTIEREN Date of birth: 01/06/2023Sterilized: YesFioro and Damianos were born to stray mother that was after birth taken from street and adopted by Greek family and also later sterilized. Fioro is beautiful happy dog, that… Fioro
Date of birth: 01.01.2021Sterilized: YesBublinek and his sister Bublinka were found in the central Corfu as two stray and very scared dogs. They were living in real danger every day, close to main busy road.Some… Bublinka
Date of birth: 01.01.2021Sterilized: YesBublinek and his sister Bublinka were found in the central Corfu as two stray and very scared dogs. They were living in real danger every day, close to main busy road.Some… Bublinek
ADOPTIEREN HündinNicht sterilisiertGeboren: Januar 2018Melina und ihr Geschwisterchen Aliki lebten 5 Jahre lang in Ketten. An einem schlammigen Ort ohne Sonne und immer nass und kalt. Wir haben sie von diesen schrecklichen Bedingungen befreit und… Melina
Männlicher HundSteilisiertGeboren: Juni 2022Luke ist der Brider von Romeo und Julia. Genauso wie sie wurde er der streunenden Mama auf der Straße geboren. Ihre Mama hat ihnen beigebracht, auf Menschen zu achten und immer Abstand… Luke
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