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ADOPTED Erma – in latin means: ” princess”  Unfortunatelly her life have nothing to do with princess life. She has been born on the street… Read More »Erma


ADOPTED Oscar – 5 years old, pure breed setter,  found on the street in Liapades village, skinny and sick. As many of hunting dogs here… Read More »Oscar

New Grant

Our application for grant of GAR (Greek animal rescue) for sterilizations of stray animals was succesfull.More animals have chance for better life now.

Vicky – found 26/4/2018

This beautiful baby was dumped on busy road….Don´t shop and adopt, give them chance for better life.


Ira was living all her life chained down of a trailer of track. She has been abused and beaten and she never felt love and… Read More »Ira


Flocke is looking for new home


ADOPTED Age : 11/2018 Sex: female Ella and her sibling Emma were left on the balcony of our house in the middle of the night,… Read More »Ella


ADOPTED Age : 11/18 Sex : female Emma and her sibling Ella were left on the balcony of our house in the middle of the… Read More »Emma