PuppyDate of birth: 01/04/2023Sterilization: noMia and her brother Bruno were found at the capital of the island. They were both lying down of one car, totally exhausted, dehydrated and without any strength to move. It… Mia
PuppyDate of birth : 01/04/2023Sterilization : NoBruno and his sister Mia were found at the capital of the island. They were both lying down of one car, totally exhausted, dehydrated and without any strength to… Bruno
ADOPTED Male dogDate of birth: 20/09/2023Alfik is one of 7 puppies from mummy Kia. The brave stray mother dog gave birth to 7 puppies in the root of old olive tree to protect them and… Alfik
Male dogDate of birth: 20/09/2023Enzo is one of 7 puppies from mummy Kia. The brave stray mother dog gave birth to 7 puppies in the root of old olive tree to protect them and raise… Enzo
ADOPTED MaleBorn in 01.05.2023Dudley was found on the street of very busy resort Sidari in North Corfu. He appeared suddenly in the middle of the street so it is almost obvious that someone probably just… Dudley
ADOPTED FemaleDate of birth : 01.09.2023 Lola and her brother Mojo were dumped in the thunderstorm and heavy rain close to the rubbish bins. Poor babies stayed there and tried to find something to eat… Lola
ADOPTED MaleDate of birth : 01.09.2023 Mojo and his sister Lola were dumped in the thunderstorm and heavy rain close to the rubbish bins. Poor babies stayed there and tried to find something to eat… Mojo
ADOPTED PuppiesKiraNovaTrixieFemaleBorn : 01.08.2023 Trixie, Nova and Kira were born to stray mummy dog together with 8 other puppies. Sadly 2 passed away and the rest were helped by other organizations. Their mummy was already… Trixie
ADOPTED PuppiesKiraNovaTrixieFemaleBorn : 01.08.2023 Trixie, Nova and Kira were born to stray mummy dog together with 8 other puppies. Sadly 2 passed away and the rest were helped by other organizations. Their mummy was already… Nova
Puppies: Kira, Nova, TrixieFemaleBorn : 01.08.2023 Trixie, Nova and Kira were born to stray mummy dog together with 8 other puppies. Sadly 2 passed away and the rest were helped by other organizations. Their mummy… Kira