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ADOPTED Date of birth : 3/2020 Bingo and his brother Dingo were found nearby busy road. For 2 weeks local people were feeding the doggies, but obvisouly this place is too dangerous. We took both… Bingo


ADOPTED : 22/12/2020 Date of birth : 3/2020 Dingo and his brother Bingo were found nearby busy road. For 2 weeks local people were feeding the doggies, but obvisouly this place is too dangerous. We… DINGO

Bo and Joe

ADOPTED Date of Birth : December 2019 Bo and Joe have been found in Marina Gouvia, someone dumped there, they have been lucky to be safe in shelter, but from this time they never have… Bo and Joe


ADOPTED as a tiny puppy found next to main busy road and only by luck he wasn´t hit by car. Tramp is a sweet boy, probably mix Springer spaniel and we think max. weight will… Tramp


ADOPTED Soul – 2 months old. This baby girl was lucky to be found by British tourists in rubbish bins. They called for help and Soul is now in our foster place. Despite of bad… Soul


ADOPTED Nero – 4 months old, brother of Erma. As his sister he was born on the street to stray mum and lived diffult life. He is so far very shy. Nero needs kind people… Nero


ADOPTED Erma – in latin means: ” princess”  Unfortunatelly her life have nothing to do with princess life. She has been born on the street to stray mum together with other puppies.  She is still… Erma

Mummy Linda and her puppies

ADOPTED Poor mummy Linda and her puppies (boy Max and girls Snowy, Layla and Sunny) are looking for new homes.They will be smaller sizes of dog, till 10 kg)

Vicky – found 26/4/2018

This beautiful baby was dumped on busy road….Don´t shop and adopt, give them chance for better life.


ADOPTED Age : 11/2018 Sex: female Ella and her sibling Emma were left on the balcony of our house in the middle of the night, totally scared and frightened.  Ella is beautiful girl, she will… Ella