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Birth: 06/2021 Sterilised: Not yet (will be soon) Bonnie (darker female) and Clyde (lighter male) were found on a very busy road in the south of Corfu. They came to us both as happy and… Clyde


Nikki has found her Angel Mrs. Eva P., which financially supports her. Name : Nikki Date of birth :  05/2019 Sterilization : yes Nikki wasn´t very lucky in her life, since tiny puppy she didn´t… NIKKI


ADOPTED : 22/12/2020 Date of birth : 2017 Sterilized Laika was a very happy puppy, she lived with owner and family till 3 years old, she is fully vaccinated and sterilized. But 3 years after,… LAIKA


ADOPTED Date of birth : 01/01/2019 We found Otti during visit of local private shelter.. He was hiddne in the corner of dark room, depressed, blind, almost deaf and lonely. Nobody paid attention to this… Otti


ADOPTED 5 years on the chain, 5 years dog without name, without human touch and without love and care, almost never with clean water and proper food.Bad times are finally over, time for change. Time… Lucky


ADOPTED almost 9 years old girl apperead on the road in Corfu town in June 2019. She is older girl who loves company of humans, but dogs especially puppies or young dogs bother her. Her… Soula


ADOPTED one year old girl was dumped in the middle of the cold and rainy night in the middle of fields. By luck, one lady walking her own dog, found her. It took almost 10… Aira


ADOPTED as a tiny puppy found next to main busy road and only by luck he wasn´t hit by car. Tramp is a sweet boy, probably mix Springer spaniel and we think max. weight will… Tramp


ADOPTED 7 months old girl, probably long time on the street. To our foster place she came exhausted, hungry and she weighted only 7 kg. Skylar wonť be big dog. She loves children and she… Skylar


ADOPTED Soul – 2 months old. This baby girl was lucky to be found by British tourists in rubbish bins. They called for help and Soul is now in our foster place. Despite of bad… Soul